Sounds like you have a fancy computer now! 2 things, before I forget!!
1- Sister S.M. comes in April 9! She is in the Apollo Beach ward and I absolutely love her! Look after her! She has come out with us to teach a few times and she is such a sweetheart! She just gave her farewell talk on Sunday and it was wonderful!! She is going to Denver South, Colorado! :)
2- HERMANA THEA OLSON! WHAT THE ?!?!?!!?!?!??!?!?!?! How did you find out?!? Did she call you?! Give me DETAILS! I am soooooooooooooooooooo freaking excited, I can not even explain!! Whats the mission called to again?! She leaves in June, is that right? How did she decide?!?! Do you have her email? and her current address? Is Joe going too? Where?!?! AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!
Okay. I am just really super duper pumped! But i want to know more!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :)
(Thea... I think you really need to write her!)
This week was wonderful! if I can sum it up in a few words it would be this:
Sweaty, Headache-y, Spanish, Biking Week!
And here is why!
We have had a few contentious lessons this week. (people that were potentials, but turns out they just want to bash with us.) One particular incident that I will mention is with a Haitian family or rather that father. We had already taught The Restoration to him and his wife, and on Tuesday we went over to introduce The Book of Mormon. To cut to the point.. He didn't like it. Like, at all. He kept telling us that it contradicted the Bible. Which it doesn't. Anyways.. 1 hour and a migraine later, and I am alive to tell the tale. And the tale I want to tell is that I know that the Book of Mormon is the word of God. I know this because I have read it. I have studied it, and I have asked God. I know that He has blessed us with another witness and testament of Jesus Christ, the Savior and Redeemer of the World. I know that it is something we can all know, if we have a true desire. Just ask Him! :) We were able to testify so boldly that it is true. And I know that even though he did not listen, my testimony is not shaken- only maybe a little stronger. (I was very tempted to stand on top of his table and shout it at him, that it is true!.... but I didn't.)
Another experience involved us biking for 18 miles in one day to find someone on the ward roster... best part... when we got there, it turns out that is the address to an animal preserve. So that was awesome. hahahahha. We were able to meet soooo many people along the way though! and we prayed with a few families!
Something I have been working on is my Espanol! -side note, Vincent, if you read this.. I need your help!- I have been practicing while biking and it is kind of ridiculous the amount of Hispanics we have been meeting! I am getting better at my introduction and asking them questions and we have gotten more referrals than I can count on my hands for the Spanish elders. My frustration has come, however with not being able to understand what they say back to me! hahaha, I catch words or phrases, but I was getting annoyed because I would ask them a question: for example: quiere aprender mas sobre JesuCristo? and then they go off and I don't even know what they answer with! hahaha
So yesterday we were biking all day and it was getting to be about 5pm.. we went to an appointment and she wasn't home so across the street we met a lady sitting outside her house. She told us she didn't know English so I gave her my little recited Spanish and she invited us to sit down. (mind you I had been praying while biking to understand what the Spanish people say back to me.) Sister J. got out a restoration pamphlet and I bore a simple testimony in Spanish and she told me what she knew about Jesus Christ and Heavenly Father, in perfect English. Well she was telling a story and I looked over at Sister J's confused face and I realized she wasn't speaking English, but I knew all the words she was speaking.
It was amazing. I promise you I'm not lying, because this sounds crazy! But everything she was saying made sense and I heard it all in English. I started translating it to Sister J. and we were both in shock but I just kept going. I could barely respond to what she said because I would start replying in English and she was like, no! hahahaha. Then I got frustrated that I couldn't speak to her more and answer her questions. It was such a blessing, because the Spanish elders were near by and we called them and introduced them and they were able to teach her a lesson!! WHA!?!
I KNOW that the spirit blesses us with gifts. I got a massive headache from focusing that much after! hahaha but it was truly incredible!!
oh, the sweaty comes from two parts- first we have biked A LOT this week, AND our AC is out! yay! :) hahaha
Many more miracles that I don't have time to share!
We had a church tour with Wade and we set a baptismal date with him for April 12!! :D
I love you all so much!
See you in a week,
Sister Ormsby
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